Kid’s Land is located on 1F, with a total area of 382m2 (approximately 115 Ping); it is designed for school children between the ages of 6~10, and the exhibition content is intended to present the unique oceanic resources of Yilan. Furthermore, through interactive learning, the objective is to enhance children’s familiarity with the ocean, in turn, teaching them to love and cherish marine life. The exhibition venue is divided into nine theme sections, (which are)including Marine Theatre, Marine Express, Grand Masters of the Ocean, Undersea Rain Forest, Marine Highway, Marine Institute, Explore Turtle Island, Home of the Fishing Boat and Marine Environmental Crisis Intervention.
Through creation of scenarios combined with games and interactive teaching aids, children’s learning and active exploration will be stimulated; through a fun and educational visiting experience, the children will be guided to explore and appreciate Yilan’s diverse marine life, in turn achieving the objective of education advancement.