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Lanyang Museum(link home)

Permanent Exhibitions

Once entering the Lanyang Plain, one can immediately experience the harmony between the mountain and the ocean. Therefore, we have provided a geographical and spatial experience that is unique to Yilan in the exhibition venue, a metaphor of Lanyang’s great mountain, plain and ocean structure, conveying an identifiable value of the modern Yilan people, presenting the experience of the people of Yilan, especially the experience of interacting with the environment.

The permanent exhibitions of Lanyang Museum are designed according to the four floors of the building, namely “Mountains Level”, “Plains Level” and “Ocean Level”, in order to present Yilan’s overall geographical environment, cultural and humanistic trails, and extend people’s imagination.

Introductory exhibition: “Birth of Yilan” interactive theatre *

“Birth of Yilan” interactive theatre utilizes six projectors to form the 90 degree combined imagery on the walls and the ground. Through interesting multimedia presentations, the theatre takes you to witness the reason for the formation of the Lanyang Plains over the past million years, so that you can appreciate the characteristics of Yilan’s natural environment. You can play the four interactive games such as Vent Crabs on the Floor, Small Flowers on the Grassland, Water Ripples and Satellite Scenic Spots etc. During the interactive process, you will be able to hold an intimate dialogue with Yilan!

Please note:

  1. In order to maintain the quality of your visit, please cooperate as follows:
    • Please obtain a number slip by the entrance of the 2F Interactive Theatre.
    • Due to the limited space, please enter the venue according to the various show times.

    • ※Morning show time: Number slips may be obtained beginning from 09:00. First show time starts at 09:15, the last show time begins at 11:15.
      ※Afternoon show time: Number slips may be obtained beginning from 13:45. First show time starts at 14:00; the last show time begins at 16:15.
      ※Each session is 15 minutes long.
    • Please wait by the theatre entrance two minutes in advance with your number slip.
    • 20 people are permitted to enter the exhibition venue per session.
    • Please enter in accordance with the session and show time indicated on the number slip. If you are late or have lost your number slip, please obtain a new number slip before entering.
    • Due to limited vacancies, each person is limited to one number slip; we apologize for any inconvenience.
  1. If you are pressed for time, please enter the permanent exhibition hall directly via the 2nd floor escalator.
“A Miracle Up Above” show

The “A Miracle Up Above” show is roughly two minutes long; the 19m long and 3m wide elongated imagery on the ceiling is formed by 9 projectors. The film is shown three times daily (10:30/11:00/14:00/14:30/16:00/16:30) in conjunction with the lighting and sound effects of the 28 minute long “Misty Forest” on the Mountain level. The audience is able to watch “Miracle of Looking Up,” which has the common theme “water” with the permanent exhibition.

Mountains Level *

The rainy climate and mountainous terrain of Yilan has formed the “misty forests”, with the high-humidity Siyuan Siyuan Saddle being renowned for its diverse collection of species. Giant Chinese Cypress tress, the remnant of the glacial plant on the ridge, beech, together with Taiwan sassafras tree, broad-tailed swallowtail butterfly and mountain lake, all allow you to appreciate the bio-diversity in Yilan.

Plains Level *

Water and river shape the way of life on the plains in Yilan; the Plains Level exhibits focus on the river, which was once influential to the social-economic lifestyle on the Lanyang Plains; the relationship between the wisdom of agricultural lifestyle and water is also a key aspect of the exhibit.
From the exhibition, we will discover the people of Yilan’s solution to their livelihood in adapting to the environment, as well as their attitude of symbiosis with nature.

Ocean Level *

The Lanyang River converges on the plains and leads towards the ocean, connecting to the Kuroshio at the equator and takes us drifting with the current. Amidst the swimming schools of fish and swaying corals, we will be able to appreciate the vibration of the undersea volcano.

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